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Official Stuff  - scroll down for list of topic and links

As allotmenteers we just want to get out there and grow stuff, but there are site rules and other things you need to be aware of: 

Your 1st port of call is your Tenancy Agreement (the paper you signed when you first got the plot.) However, there have been a few changes in the last few years so if you have been around a while, it may not be completely up to date. 

Anyhow there is information about the following topics, just ask a committee member or an email to :

1.  Data Protection 2018

2.  Committee members

3.  First aid

4.  Insurance

5.  Site safety

6.  Security

7. Constitution and other documents - are currently accessible via a request to the current secretary.   These documents are for current tenants only. 

- Conditions of tenancy

- Constitution

- Ratified Minutes

- Diversity policy

- GDPR policy

- Members Handbook

- Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults

- Tenancy rules for fire/bonfires

- Rules for keeping of bees

- Risk assessment

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